Cerebral Palsy Claims

Cerebral Palsy is not one disease or illness. 'Cerebral palsy' is a term used to describe a condition where the effected individual has a persistent but evolving movement and motor functions disorder that is secondary to there being a non-progressive brain abnormality present.

In simple terms: as a result of a brain injury the child suffers a physical condition that effects their movement, this physical condition evolves as the child grows on a spectrum of severity.


There are three main types of cerebral palsy:

  1. Spastic Cerebral Palsy - for those suffering this form of cerebral palsy the main symptoms are that some of the muscles in the body are tight, stiff and weak, making controlled movements difficult.

  2. Athetoid Cerebral Palsy - for those suffering this form of cerebral palsy the main symptoms are that muscle control is affected by spontaneous movements and posture is effected.

  3. Ataxic Cerebral Palsy - for those suffering this form of cerebral palsy the main symptoms are problems with balance, shaky movements of hands or feet, and difficulty with speech.

Common problems associated with cerebral palsy include difficulty using and controlling muscles when attempting to do everyday tasks such as writing or dressing. Problems often occur in posture, balance and co-ordination, but also appear to affect hearing, learning and some sufferers may also contract epilepsy.

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For some sufferers the effects may be mild and barely noticeable, whilst others will suffer serious symptoms that require them to have 24 hour care that they will need for their entire lives.

Causes of Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy sufferers can come from a variety of routes. Some cases are caused by problems during pregnancy or birth of a baby; however the cause of cerebral palsy for some people remains unclear.

Some of the most common cerebral palsy compensation claims we have dealt with involve cases where the baby has suffered from lack of oxygen for a period of time causing damage to the brain during the birth; often caused by the mismanagement of the birth. If this can be proven, we can successfully obtain damages to cover costs of care to ensure the quality of life for the child's lifetime.

If you or your child has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, which you believe to be caused by the mismanagement of the birth or pregnancy, you may be able to obtain compensation. 

If you would like to have a chat about your options or how we may be able to help you please contact a member of the team, complete our call back form or contact us directly at your local office.

Your Medical Negligence Team

Ruth Markham


Ruth is a former member of the Bar Council before cross qualifying as a solicitor. She joined BHP Law in March 2014 as an associate and was made head…

Tracy Farman


In January 2022 Tracy Farman joined BHP Law’s Personal Injury and Medical Negligence department, in Durham, after working for a solicitors practice…

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